Corporate means nothing?

For some years now, it’s been easy for professional services to set up a corporate image that creates an acceptable, generic aesthetic for your customers. When times are abundant, and there are plenty of clients and cash to go around, this can be a pretty appealing strategy – it’s easy and cheap to look neat and tidy without challenging the status quo. If things get tricker in the economic landscape though, how are you going to stand out and appeal to new customers as well as retaining loyalty with your existing ones?

The Answer is to Question.

Take a step back to understand who you are, what value you truly add and what the personality and character of your firm is. It’s about understanding the belief system that underpins your company’s foundation. This process is called a brand workshop. Book yours with us today.

Shared identity with other similar businesses feels like a safety net. But it can seriously hurt your growth. And while it can be scary to be yourself and put something honest out there, vulnerability pays off. People don’t connect with sheen – it’s our talent and human nature that enables connection. Corporate means nothing. You mean everything.

There’s appetite for individualism everywhere

It’s time to develop your brand so that it actually means something. Here are a five points to get started:

1.Find your voice.

People used to trust suits, ties and a polished façade, but now they trust authenticity and proof. It’s so easy to spot when something is fake and people are bored of it. You need to be genuine, especially if that means saying something others aren’t. Move away from feeling like you have to fit the mould and the results could be unexpectedly wonderful.

“We like our clients because of their money. They like us because of our honesty.” HYPOSWISS

2.Cultivate Connection.

People work with people. You need to get really clear about who you are, what you stand for, what motivates you and what you would like your firm’s impact to be. This clarity will create genuine, long standing, connection.


Change with the changing requirements of your customers and make sure your brand has the flexibility to grow with you. Be the company that is always there and relevant, no matter how tough times get.

4. Be ok with different.

If you take a look at your competitors and can’t see how you are different, then how can you customers know it either? If you’ve got a meaningful brand rooted in values, it can create a sense of belonging and identity for employees and even clients.

5. Ban Jargon.

Ban all jargon and question the rehearsed spiel. It’s important to ask ‘what does that really mean?’ A lot. If you can’t strip out the industry terminology, at least explain what it is. Graphics and photography are important and need to tell the same story. If you have to use stock imagery – make sure you use it creatively. Is your message original enough if you use the same imagery as your competitors?

The Cheyney Goulding Case Study

Recently we’ve been digging out the stories and personalities behind law firm Cheyney Goulding.

The Process:

It starts with a brand workshop – drawing out the essence of the company and why they do what they do. Finding the spark of inspiration. You are always so much more interesting than you think you are!

“Doing the brand workshop with Supafrank surprised us. The process was incredibly valuable in terms of identifying the firm’s core values which weren’t always immediately obvious. Those then fed into the website and all aspects of our visibility to our contacts.” Tom Marshall, Cheyney Goulding

By doing the brand workshop, we moved away from the traditional set of spiel and developed a clearly genuine brand. They are a dynamic team with strong principles and that came through in the graphics we created. We also emphasised their commitment to really getting to know their clients so that the advice they give is rooted in a thorough knowledge. The resultant tone of voice is strong, clear and confident. The new website is proudly distinctive from their competitors, and shows what makes them special.

See the project here.